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Horloge universelle - Weltzeituhr - WorldTime Clock



Curieux ? Que peuvent-ils donc bien faire aux antipodes en ce moment??



Berlin, Weltzeituhr Horloge mondiale

Description: The "Weltzeituhr" located at Alexanderplatz in Berlin

Cliquez pour un gros plan.

Cliquez pour un gros plan.


WorldTimeClock 99


1.1 (Requires JDK1.1 or later)

If your browser is not displaying the clock, you may need to download a newer version of your browser to see the clock properly.

Price     Free for non commercial use. Download the clock file:

WorldTimeClock.zip (15701 bytes)

Download the class file:

WorldTimeClock.jar (10199 bytes)

Download the Clock User Manual:

../../animation/worldtimeclock_zip/WorldTimeClock.txt (6490 bytes)

Upload this file to your web directory: WorldTimeClock.class. 10.27 Ko (10515 octets)

Voir aussi le site: The World Clock - Time Zones

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