Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
Dave Piasecki
published in the January, 2001 issue of
models for calculating optimal order quantities and reorder points have
been in existence long before the arrival of the computer. When
the first Model T Fords were rolling off the assembly line,
manufacturers were already reaping the financial benefits of inventory
management by determining the most cost effective answers to the
questions of When? and How much?. Yes long before JIT, TQM,
TOC, and MRP, companies were using these same (then unnamed) concepts in
managing their production and inventory. I recently read Purchasing
and Storing, a textbook that was part of a “Modern Business
Course” at the Alexander Hamilton Institute in New York.
The textbook published in 1931 (that’s right 1931) was
essentially a how to book on inventory management in a manufacturing
environment. If you’re
wondering why I would want to read a 70-year-old business text, my
answer would be that the fundamental concepts of managing a business
change very little with time, and reading about these concepts in a
vintage text is a great way to reinforce the value of the fundamentals.
The occasional reference to “The War” (referring to WWI) also
keeps it interesting and the complete absence of acronyms is refreshing.
you may have guessed, this 70-year-old book contained a section on Minimum
Cost Quantity, which is what we now refer to as Economic
Order Quantity (EOQ). I
can imagine that in the 1930’s an accountant (or more likely a room
full of accountants) would have calculated EOQ or other inventory
related formulas one item at a time in a dimly lit office using the
inventory books, a mechanical adding machine and a slide rule.
Time consuming as this was, some manufacturers of the time
recognized the financial benefits of taking a scientific approach to
making these inventory decisions.
why is it that, in these days of advanced information technology, many
companies are still not taking advantage of these fundamental inventory
models? Part of the answer lies in poor results received due to
inaccurate data inputs. Accurate product costs, activity costs,
forecasts, history, and lead times are crucial in making inventory
models work. Ironically, software advancements may also in part to
blame. Many ERP packages come with built in calculations for EOQ which
calculate automatically. Often the users do not understand how it is
calculated and therefore do not understand the data inputs and system
setup which controls the output. When the output appears to be "out
of whack" it is simply ignored. This sometimes creates a
situation in which the executives who had purchased the software
incorrectly assume the material planners and purchasing clerks are
ordering based upon the systems recommendations. I should also
note that many operations will find these built-in EOQ calculations
inadequate and in need of modifications to deal with the diversity of
their product groups and processes.
goals and strategies may sometimes conflict with EOQ. Measuring
performance solely by inventory turns is one of the most prolific
mistakes made in the name of inventory management. Many companies
have achieved aggressive goals in increasing inventory turns only to
find their bottom line has shrunk due to increased operational costs.
is essentially an accounting formula that determines the point at
which the combination of order costs and inventory carrying costs
are the least. The result is the most cost effective quantity to
order. In purchasing this
is known as the order quantity, in manufacturing it is known as the
production lot size.
EOQ may not apply to every inventory situation, most organizations will
find it beneficial in at least some aspect of their operation.
Anytime you have repetitive purchasing or planning of an item,
EOQ should be considered. Obvious applications for EOQ are
purchase-to-stock distributors and make-to-stock manufacturers, however,
make-to-order manufacturers should also consider EOQ when they have
multiple orders or release dates for the same items and when planning
components and sub-assemblies. Repetitive
buy maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) inventory is also a good
application for EOQ. Though
EOQ is generally recommended in operations where demand is relatively
steady, items with demand variability such as seasonality can still use
the model by going to shorter time periods for the EOQ calculation.
Just make sure your usage and carrying costs are based on the
same time period.
EOQ conflict with Just-In-Time? While
I don’t want to get into a long discussion on the misconceptions of
what Just-In-Time (JIT) is, I will address the most common
misunderstanding in which JIT is assumed to mean all components should
arrive in the exact run quantities “just in time” for the production
run. JIT is actually a
quality initiative with the goal of eliminating wasted steps, wasted
labor, and wasted cost. EOQ should be one of the tools used to achieve
this. EOQ is used to determine which components fit into this JIT model
and what level of JIT is economically advantageous for your operation.
As an example, let us assume you are a lawn equipment
manufacturer and you produce 100 units per day of a specific model of
lawn mower. While it may be
cost effective to have 100 engines arrive on your dock each day, it
would certainly not be cost effective to have 500 screws (1 days supply)
used to mount a plastic housing on the lawn mower shipped to you daily.
To determine the most cost effective quantities of screws or
other components you will need to use the EOQ formula.
basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) formula is as follows:
the calculation itself is fairly simple the task of determining the
correct data inputs to accurately represent your inventory and operation
is a bit of a project. Exaggerated order costs and carrying costs
are common mistakes made in EOQ calculations.
Using all costs associated with your purchasing and receiving
departments to calculate order cost or using all costs associated with
storage and material handling to calculate carrying cost will give you
highly inflated costs resulting in inaccurate results from your EOQ
I also caution against using benchmarks or published industry
standards in calculations.
I have frequently seen references to average purchase order costs
of $100 to $150 in magazine articles and product brochures.
Often these references trace back to studies performed by
advocacy agencies working for business that directly benefit from these
exaggerated (my opinion) costs used in ROI calculations for their
products or services.
I am not denying that some operations may have purchase costs in
this range, especially if you are frequently re-sourcing, re-quoting,
and/or buying from overseas vendors. However if your operation is
primarily involved with repetitive buying from domestic vendors —
which is more common —
you’ll likely see your purchase
order costs in the substantially lower $10 to $30 range.
you prepare to undertake this project keep in mind that even though
accuracy is crucial, small variances in the data inputs generally have
very little effect on the outputs. The following breaks down the
data inputs in more detail and gives insight into the aspects of each.
in units, this is generally the easiest part of the equation. You
simply input your forecasted annual usage.
known as purchase cost or set up cost, this is the sum of the fixed
costs that are incurred each time an item is ordered. These costs are
not associated with the quantity ordered but primarily with physical
activities required to process the order.
purchased items, these
would include the cost to enter the purchase order and/or requisition,
any approval steps, the cost to process the receipt, incoming
inspection, invoice processing and vendor payment, and in some cases a
portion of the inbound freight may also be included in order cost.
It is important to understand that these are costs associated with the
frequency of the orders and not the quantities ordered. For example, in
your receiving department the time spent checking in the receipt,
entering the receipt, and doing any other related paperwork would be
included, while the time spent repacking materials, unloading trucks,
and delivery to other departments would likely not be included. If
you have inbound quality inspection where you inspect a percentage of
the quantity received you would include the time to get the specs and
process the paperwork and not include time spent actually inspecting,
however if you inspect a fixed quantity per receipt you would then
include the entire time including inspecting, repacking, etc. In the
purchasing department you would include all time associated with
creating the purchase order, approval steps, contacting the vendor,
expediting, and reviewing order reports, you would not include time
spent reviewing forecasts, sourcing, getting quotes (unless you get
quotes each time you order), and setting up new items. All time spent
dealing with vendor invoices would be included in order cost.
actual costs to the activities associated with order cost is where many
an EOQ formula runs afoul. Do not make a list of all of the
activities and then ask the people performing the activities "how
long does it take you to do this?" The results of this type
of measurement are rarely even close to accurate. I have found it to be
more effective to determine the percentage of time within the department
consumed performing the specific activities and multiplying this by the
total labor costs for a certain time period (usually a month) and then
dividing by the line items processed during that same period.
is extremely difficult to associate inbound freight costs with order
costs in an automated EOQ program and I suggest it only if the inbound
freight cost has a significant effect on unit cost and its effect
on unit cost varies significantly based upon the order quantity.
manufacturing, the order
cost would include the time to initiate the work order, time associated
with picking and issuing components excluding time associated with
counting and handling specific quantities, all production scheduling
time, machine set up time, and inspection time. Production scrap
directly associated with the machine setup should also be included in
order cost as would be any tooling that is discarded after each
production run.
There may be times when you want to artificially inflate or
deflate set-up costs.
If you lack the capacity to meet the production schedule using
the EOQ, you may want to artificially increase set-up costs to increase
lot sizes and reduce overall set up time. If
you have excess capacity you may want to artificially decrease set up
costs, this will increase overall set up time and reduce inventory
The idea being that if you are paying for the labor and machine
overhead anyway it would make sense to take advantage of the savings in
reduced inventories.
the most part, order cost is primarily the labor associated with
processing the order, however, you can include the other costs such as
the costs of phone calls, faxes, postage, envelopes, etc.
called Holding cost, carrying cost is the cost associated with having
inventory on hand. It is primarily made up of the costs associated
with the inventory investment and storage cost. For the purpose of the
EOQ calculation, if the cost does not change based upon the
quantity of inventory on hand it should not be included in carrying
cost. In the EOQ formula, carrying cost is represented as the
annual cost per average on hand inventory unit. Below are the primary
components of carrying cost.
If you had to borrow money to pay for your inventory, the interest rate
would be part of the carrying cost. If you did not borrow on the
inventory, but have loans on other capital items, you can use the
interest rate on those loans since a reduction in inventory would free
up money that could be used to pay these loans. If by some miracle
you are debt free you would need to determine how much you could make if
the money was invested.
Since insurance costs are directly related to the total value of the
inventory, you would include this as part of carrying cost.
If you are required to pay any taxes on the value of your inventory they
would also be included.
Costs. Mistakes in calculating storage costs are common in EOQ
implementations. Generally companies take all costs associated
with the warehouse and divide it by the average inventory to determine a
storage cost percentage for the EOQ calculation. This tends to
include costs that are not directly affected by the inventory levels and
does not compensate for storage characteristics. Carrying costs
for the purpose of the EOQ calculation should only include costs that
are variable based upon inventory levels.
you are running a pick/pack operation where you have fixed picking
locations assigned to each item where the locations are sized for
picking efficiency and are not designed to hold the entire inventory,
this portion of the warehouse should not be included in carrying cost
since changes to inventory levels do not effect costs here. Your
overflow storage areas would be included in carrying cost.
Operations that use purely random storage for their product would
include the entire storage area in the calculation.
Areas such as shipping/receiving and staging areas are usually
not included in the storage calculations. However. if you have to add an
additional warehouse just for overflow inventory then you would include
all areas of the second warehouse as well as freight and labor costs
associated with moving the material between the warehouses.
storage costs are generally applied as a percentage of the inventory
value you may need to classify your inventory based upon a ratio of
storage space requirements to value in order to assess storage costs
accurately. For example, let's say you have just opened a new
E-business called "BobsWeSellEverything.com". You
calculated that overall your annual storage costs were 5% of your
average inventory value, and applied this to your entire inventory in
the EOQ calculation. Your average inventory on a particular piece
of software and on 80 lb. bags of concrete mix both came to $10,000.
The EOQ formula applied a $500 storage cost to the average quantity of
each of these items even though the software actually took up only 1
pallet position while the concrete mix consumed 75 pallet positions.
Categorizing these items would place the software in a category with
minimal storage costs (1% or less) and the concrete in a category with
extreme storage costs (50%) that would then allow the EOQ formula to
work correctly.
are situations where you may not want to include any storage costs in
your EOQ calculation.
If your operation has excess storage space of which it has no
other uses you may decide not to include storage costs since reducing
your inventory does not provide any actual savings in storage costs.
As your operation grows near a point at which you would need to
expand your physical operations you may then start including storage in
the calculation.
portion of the time spent on cycle counting should also be included in
carrying cost, remember to apply costs which change based upon changes
to the average inventory level. So with cycle counting, you
would include the time spent physically counting and not the time spent
filling out paperwork, data entry, and travel time between locations.
costs that can be included in carrying cost are risk factors associated
with obsolescence, damage, and theft. Do not factor in these costs
unless they are a direct result of the inventory levels and are
significant enough to change the results of the EOQ equation.
are many variations on the basic EOQ model. I have listed the most
useful ones below.
discount logic can be programmed to work in conjunction with the EOQ
formula to determine optimum order quantities. Most systems will
require this additional programming.
logic can be programmed to determine max quantities for items subject to
spoilage or to prevent obsolescence on items reaching the end of their
product life cycle.
used in manufacturing to determine lot sizes where production runs are
very long (weeks or months) and finished product is being released to
stock and consumed/sold throughout the production run you may need to
take into account the ratio of production to consumption to more
accurately represent the average inventory level.
safety stock calculation may take into account the order cycle time that
is driven by the EOQ. If so, you may need to tie the cost of the
change in safety stock levels into the formula.
are primarily two ways to implement EOQ. Both methods obviously require
that you have already determined the associated costs.
The simplest method is to set up your calculation in a
spreadsheet program, manually calculate EOQ one item at a time, and then
manually enter the order quantity into your inventory system.
If your inventory has fairly steady demand and costs and you have
less than one or two thousand SKUs you can probably get by using this
method once per year. If
you have more than a couple thousand SKUs and/or higher variability in
demand and costs you will need to program the EOQ formula into your
existing inventory system. This
allows you to quickly re-calculate EOQ automatically as often as needed.
You can also use a hybrid of the two systems by downloading your
data to a spreadsheet or database program, perform the calculations and
then update your inventory system either manually or through a batch
program. Whichever method
you use you should make sure to follow the following steps:
the formula.
Prior to final implementation you must test the programming and setup.
Run the EOQ program and then manually check the results using sample
items that are representative of the variations of your inventory base.
You'll need to run a simulation or use a representative sampling of
items to determine the overall short-term and long-term effects the EOQ
calculation will have on warehouse space, cash flow, and operations.
Dramatic increases in inventory levels may not be immediately feasible,
if this is the case you may temporarily adjust the formula until
arrangements can be made to handle the additional storage requirements
and compensate for the effects on cash flow. If the projection
shows inventory levels dropping and order frequency increasing, you may
need to evaluate staffing, equipment, and process changes to handle the
increased activity.
The values for Order cost and Carrying cost should be evaluated at least
once per year taking into account any changes in interest rates, storage
costs, and operational costs.
related calculation is the Total Annual Cost calculation.
This calculation can be used to prove the EOQ calculation.
Total Annual Cost = [(annual usage in units)/(order
quantity)(order cost)]+{[.5(order quantity)+(safety stock)]*(annual
carrying cost per unit)}. This
formula is also very useful when comparing quotes where vendors offer
different minimum order quantities, price breaks, lead times,
transportation costs.
The EOQ calculation is "Hard Science", if you have accurate
inputs the output is the most cost-effective quantity to order based
upon your current operational costs.
To further increase inventory turns you will need to reduce the
order costs. E-procurement, vendor-managed inventories, bar
coding, and vendor certification programs can reduce the costs
associated with processing an order. Equipment enhancements and
process changes can reduce costs associated with manufacturing set up.
Increasing forecast accuracy and reducing lead times which result in the
ability to operate with reduced safety stock can also reduce inventory
Version traduite (française). En ligne 29/02/2004
Calcul de la quantité optimal de commande, Je
fais un lien en Doc. Word Texte Classement
par taille de sort pour ceux qui veulent poursuivre, c'est bien
expliqué, malgré en attente d'être complètement traduit. Le
de traduction au coup par coup. Merci. 28/02/2004
07.10.2010 19:57
Also read my article on Calculating
Safety Stock |