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Code à barres ean courriel d'internaute_special 19/04/2003


Presse et actu (page annexe)

pour trouvez réellement des travaux un peu plus pointus il est nécessaire de travailler avec les sites anglophones que je vous propose pour ce premier courriel. Dans cette démarche l'inconvénient est que vous devez avoir comme marche à suivre d'utiliser l'outil linguistique de google, juste à côté du rectangle de recherche à droite de celle-ci. 


voici un sujet de question réponse de site:


(page du site ACCUEIL: http://www.ean-int.org  )

vous avez également un fichier: TRANING TOOLS avec quelques fichiers PDF de lecture INTRO à télécharger.
Ensuite il y a un fichier: Online publication. Ils sont pour la plupart regroupés ci contre dans le tableau de droite

A cette page vous avez des présentations et conférences en fichiers Power Point à télécharger. Il y a au moins 15 documents : voici le lien. Ceci pour vous mettre en quelque sorte dans leur atmosphère ;-)), même une galerie photo, c'est entraînant !


vous avez 2 doc., exemples que voici:

006_implementation_support_report_back Power Point

008_Business_modellers_Report_Back Power Point

( galerie photo des participants : http://online.ean-int.org/gsmp_event/  Ouais, images! marre des calculs !! petite pose.)


A présent vers un site belge: c'est possible que vous l'ayez visité:
quelques exemples de doc. Word. ci-dessous:

EAN•UCC spécification for the identification and traceability of fruit, vegetables and potatoes - VERSION MARCH 2003

Download of a Word file (1,0 Mb) + .zip version (516 Kb) 

EAN•UCC spécification for the identification and traceability of meat and meat products - VERSION MARCH 2003

Download of a Word file (2,2 Mb) + .zip version (632 Kb) 

Information, questions ? Contact us :

Tel.: 02/229.18.80 • Fax : 02/217.43.47 • E-mail : [email protected]  

Autres site pour documentation téléchargeables :


Voilà, pour le moment on en reste à ceux-là et dès que possible on change de système de fouille. <dans l'attente redite-moi un supplément de d'infos ou de correction de tir.

Bonnes salutation, à bientôt et joyeuses pâques.

Liste des documents en anglais


../../code a barres/courriel_special_code_barres_ean/courriel_special_documents/AGFmaa2003-ENG_doc

This document provides a standard solution for the identification and traceability of fruit, vegetables and potatoes so that a fresh and healthy product can be guaranteed to the consumer. The international EAN"UCC identification and communication system is used for this purpose.



Introduction barre_code_verifycation_f.DOC 

This EAN Head Office publication has been developed with the intention of providing a clear explanation on the practical implications of Bar Code Verification within the EAN UCC System. It hoped that it will be of considerable use to EAN Member Organisation staff involved in Bar Code Verification, equipment providers, as a basis for training material and as reference material for [Expert] end users involved in Bar Code production and quality. However, it does not replace the Technical Specifications that continue to be published in the General EAN UCC Specifications.


Bar Code Verification 



Customer Specific Articles User Profile 





Introduction to the Serial Shipping Container Code 



Electronic Catalogues - EAN recommendations 



Supply Chain Management Tools for the Packaging Industry
Current Best Practice of EAN.UCC System Application in the Packaging Supply Chain (Release 1, February 2000) 

courriel_special_documents/EDI Survey 2001.pdf

Electronic commerce in the EAN Community 2001
The result of the 10th report on electronic commerce 2001 is now available on our website.




An Introduction To EDI 


An Introduction To EDI 


../../code a barres/courriel_special_code_barres_ean/courriel_special_documents/GLOSSARY-WEBSITE-FINAL-ALL-PUBLIC_0_doc



Healthcare goes for Global Standards
The objective of this brochure is to help suppliers and manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, para-medical supplies and medical devices implement barcodes based on globally accepted standards. It has been produced in collaboration with organisations that have come together to present to the sector a unified approach in implementing these solutions that have proven for some time now their effectiveness in improving logistic processes.


EAN Identification Systems and EANCOM





An introduction to EANCOM in Trade and Transport



Position Paper on Lite EDI 


courriel_special_documents/Opmaak tekst Fresh Produce .pdf

The "Fresh Produce Traceability Guidelines" (FPT guidelines) were developed together with the EuroHandelsinstitute (EHI), European Association of Fresh Produce Importers (CIMO), Euro Retailer Produce Working Group (EUREP), European Union of the Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale, Import and Export Trade (EUCOFEL) and Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters (SHAFFE). 



Attribute necessary for data synchonization of perishable commodities


courriel_special_documents/SC Id Keys (DB).pdf

SC Id Keys. The EAN.UCC Identification Keys.

courriel_special_documents/SC Id Keys (DB).zip


courriel_special_documents/Traceability of Beef - word.pdf

Traceability of beef (click here to order the brochure)
Application of EAN.UCC Standards in implementing Regulation (EC) 1760/2000


This document provides a standard solution to put into practice European and national legislations on the labelling and traceability of meat (beef, pork, chicken, …) and meat products. The international EAN"UCC identification and communication system is used for this purpose.


28.11.2010 2:42 PM



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